Saturday, October 27, 2007

Update on Nate

Well, Nate is still looking for a job but he definitely has quite a few excellent leads so all we are doing now is keeping our fingers crossed. He is liking Virginia a lot and has been impossibly busy down there with job hunting, service and meetings.
Nate got a car two days after he arrived and is staying with my grandparents for the time being. If you want to contact him, just e-mail me at and I will get you that info. Anyway, we've had a few unexpected and unplesent surprises that have thrown us back a little but, we're working out the bugs on them. Needless to say, the kids and I will probably be here in Fairbanks all through out November as well. And as far as December is concerned, I wont know for sure until we get there. However, one thing is for certain, our whole family will be down in Va in January.
Well thats about it for now. The next time I hear something, I'll let every one know. Thanks guys. We'll keep in touch.

The journey continues...

As of early October, Nate and I were in Fairbanks staying with my parents. Things didn't pan out according to plan and we aren't going to be able to leave together so the boys and I are staying in Fairbanks while Nate goes down to Virginia to set things up. He left on the fourth of October. That was three weeks ago now, though it seems like a couple of months to us. Other then that, things are going fine and we've been able to relax a bit. Sorry we didn't get to say good-bye to everybody. This especially goes out to one very special girlfriend of mine that has been through a lot herself lately. I'm sorry I didn't call Maddie. Anyway, I'll update you on what's happening as I get the info. Okay, love everyone and take care.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The beginning

Well, we moved out of our Trailer a couple months ago now and we've been on the go ever since. Including two places in Anchorage, one in Fairbanks and a whole lot of Drama to got with it....moving is NEVER easy. Especially moving across country. We've had our share of frustrations and a lot of stress as you can imagine would be true of anyone. The worst part is probably the sense of displacement that seems to loom non-stop over your head, almost like a dream that you just don't quite wake up from and when you do open your eyes the next day, your somewhere else all over again. It gets very old.